Havening Technique – to find peace in your pregnancy

I had never heard of the Havening Technique before, but when I did, I knew I had to know more. Not just because of the name and its alignment with Your Pregnancy Haven, but also because of its ability to help lower anxiety, especially during pregnancy after infertility or loss.

In today's blog, we'll delve into the Havening Technique, a powerful somatic practice that has been gaining recognition for its transformative effects on individuals dealing with trauma, stress, and emotional challenges. This technique, also known as "Havening," provides a unique approach to healing, helping individuals release past emotional burdens and find peace within themselves. Let's explore the history, purpose, working mechanism, appropriate times to use it, and how to perform this technique.

The Purpose of Havening:

The primary purpose of Havening is to provide a safe and effective method for individuals to process and release deeply held emotional traumas and stress. It's designed to address overwhelming emotions and traumatic memories that may have a lasting impact on one's well-being. Havening enables individuals to transform their emotional responses, promote resilience, and restore a sense of inner peace.

How Havening Works:

Havening is based on the idea that traumatic experiences and emotional memories are not only stored in the mind, but also in the body. It involves a combination of physical touch and cognitive engagement to help individuals confront and resolve these stored emotions. The technique is designed to create delta waves in the brain, which are typically associated with deep sleep and relaxation. By activating specific neural pathways and then deactivating them, individuals can effectively reprocess their emotional responses, reducing the intensity of these emotions.

When to Use Havening:

Havening is most effective when used during moments of emotional activation, such as when an individual is triggered, anxious, or feeling overwhelmed. It can be applied in various situations, including dealing with the emotional challenges of infertility, pregnancy loss, pregnancy after loss, or other life stressors. Havening is especially valuable when individuals find it challenging to connect with their body and emotions due to past traumas or chronic stress.

How to Perform Havening:

Havening involves specific physical touch techniques. Here's a simplified version that you can practice:

  1. Find a quiet and comfortable space where you won't be disturbed.

  2. Begin by gently touching your forehead with your fingertips and then sweep your hands down to your chin.

  3. Move your fingertips under your eyes, across your cheeks, and down to your chin.

  4. Continue this gentle touch, alternating between your forehead and chin, and under your eyes and chin.

  5. As you perform the touch, close your eyes or maintain a soft gaze, and start to pay attention to your breath.

  6. When you experience an emotional activation, such as anxiety or tension, begin to vocalize your emotions by repeating phrases like, "My heart is racing" or "I feel tension in my shoulders."

  7. Create a "laundry list" by exploring why you're feeling this way. Ask your body to reveal the reasons behind your emotional response.

  8. Continue to perform the Havening touch while exploring and vocalizing your emotions.

  9. Remember, this simplified technique is just the beginning of your Havening journey. For deeper and more effective healing, working with a certified Havening practitioner is recommended.

The Havening Technique provides a holistic approach to healing that addresses both the mind and body. With a focus on reprocessing emotional responses and promoting inner peace, Havening has the potential to transform the way individuals deal with trauma and stress. If you find yourself struggling with overwhelming emotions or past traumas, consider exploring the Havening Technique with the guidance of a certified practitioner to experience the full benefits of this powerful somatic practice.

We interviewed Manorah Sangeet Raj, a certified Havening Practitioner, as part of our guest expert interview panel inside Your Pregnancy Haven. She walked us through this beautiful exercise, and this is available to watch in our expert interview vault. If you’d like to watch this, you can gain access to this interview and all the other 30+ interviews with qualified experts on anything you could possibly need to know about your pregnancy, and how to increase your anxiety, by joining Your Pregnancy Haven HERE.


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