Is it safe to get a massage when pregnant?

Have you been curious about getting a massage during your pregnancy, but are too worried or don’t feel like you can justify it? It’s understandable that you’re concerned.  When you’re pregnant after infertility or loss, you’re scared to do anything that could jeopardize this.  You’ve stopped exercising, cut out all caffeine (even though you don’t have to), and you google almost everything you eat, just to make sure it’s safe.  So getting a prenatal massage can feel a little risky. 

This is a time in life where you’re forced to slow down a little, and especially when you’re pregnant after infertility or loss, you are likely hyper aware of what your body is feeling physically. It can be really tough to let yourself find relief, because this journey may have left you conditioned to forgo your physical needs as long as baby stays safe. But you deserve to feel good, both by the physical benefits of massage and the stress relief it can bring.

So here we go… we’re going to dive into how to get a safe massage during pregnancy, whether that’s with a professional prenatal massage therapist, or by getting some nice rubs from your partner at home.


Let’s start off with spa-based massage therapy. If you’re beyond your first trimester, it’s generally considered safe to get a prenatal massage. A prenatal massage differs from a regular one by the techniques and the equipment the massage therapist uses. When you’re searching for a massage therapist for a prenatal massage, make sure they’re credentialed in prenatal massage, so you can be sure they’re using the safest and most comfortable techniques for pregnancy.

In a prenatal massage, you may lie on a special table or bolster that has cutouts for your bump, or your massage therapist may have you lay in alternate positions like on your side. They will avoid deep pressure in your abdomen and in your legs, and may also avoid certain pressure areas. It’s important that you talk with your massage therapist before the treatment begins to let them know of any risk factors you may have in your pregnancy, like an increased risk of preeclampsia or if you have gestational diabetes. This way, they can focus on massage techniques that are less likely to raise any blood pressure concerns. It’s always recommended to talk with your doctor or midwife about prenatal massage before going, so you can get the all clear and maybe some tips of how frequent you can visit your spa.

If you’re just looking for the occasional rubs from your partner at home, you might be a little apprehensive about letting them go all out, since there’s whole trainings on prenatal massage! But there are still plenty of ways they can safely massage you. A great comfortable position for massages at home is side lying, using pillow props to make you even more cozy. It might be similar to how you position yourself for sleep. Have your partner focus on your neck, back, and scalp, and keep touches light, long, and smooth.

Deep pressure is not recommended, especially in your legs, since pregnancy increases risks of clots in that area. Avoid using essential oils unless you’ve checked with a certified naturopath, your doctor/midwife, or a certified aromatherapist on safe oils to use. Again, talking with your provider about any risk factors that might apply to you when massage is concerned.

Really, the benefits of getting a prenatal massage are amazing. Not only can it help alleviate aches that arise when carrying a bump around, but it has been proven to reduce stress levels, ease insomnia, and even improve your labor and postpartum outcomes. A study from 2010 found that massage therapy not only led to decreased premature births and low birth weights, but also suggested that (due to the sample in the study) mothers who received prenatal massages were less likely to experience postpartum depression and increased bonding with their newborn.

As you can see, massage therapy in pregnancy can be safe and can be beneficial. So I encourage you to give yourself permission to enjoy it, because not only are you providing benefit to yourself, but your baby will benefit too!


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